Yay a weekly post that I hope I can keep up ^^ So what am I doing (uploading) every Monday, non other than fan art ^^

So today’s fan art is none other than the infamous Mirai Suenaga, Danny Choo’s OC and mascot! There wasn’t many fan art’s of her in chibi form and since I like nendoroids I thought I make her look like one ^^ I upped the ante and put her with a firefighter hat and hose *hint hint*

For those of you who don’t know there is an anime in production called Chinka, and Mirai Suenaga will be featured in it as a maid in a cafe.  So I thought I’d throw in the hat and hose to symbolize that she is apart of the anime ^^ I made the hat in the uniform color the other girls wear in Chinka as well as the health badge. Anyways, lets get on to the drawing!

So this is the initial sketch, done with pencil and inked with Pigma Sensei .3 ink. I usually draw my sketches or whatever on paper first then scan it to the comp. YES! it does add to the completion time (about 30 min or so) but I can’t make the drawing on Sai since I don’t have a tablet :/

So here’s the picture lined in Sai, this is the longest part for me, took me about an hour or two to finish, and I didn’t get any further than sketch one, total waste of time but I have to do it since I don’t have a pen tablet and I like the lines clean.

And here is the final product. I’m really happy the way it turned out(especially for my second time using Sai), I think I’m getting the hang of the shading and highlights, though I still need a lot of practice ^^ This style isn’t what I’m really going for, I like the hard shadows you see in most anime drawings but it’s something I can’t do at the moment :/

Anyways I hoped you liked it and make sure to come back next monday for another piece by me ^^ Remember that I’m doing this for you guys (also to practice my drawings skills but more so for you guys ^^) so if you guys want to see artwork every monday, remember to give feedback ^^

Check here and here for better resolutions of the final drawing